Tuesday, 21 October 2014

My family , My Cullture

This week we were visited by families who shared their culture and their special festivals
 Sally and Roman performed their White Sunday Items with Mum and Grandma.
 Best friends 
 Aysiah shared her Tongan and Samoan treasures

Stuti wearing her traditional Indian clothes

Thank you so much for sharing your cultures with us.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Term 4 - Identity

Well the holidays have raced by and I know that term 4 is going to be as exciting as 1,2, and 3 have been. This term we are going to learning all about 'Who we are, our family and culture'.
 Watch this space to find out the amazing learning that is going to take place in Room 2. 

Like branches on a tree we all grow in different directions but our roots keep us together