Saturday, 19 April 2014

Week 10 Word Warrior

Week 10  Ermrick (31 words) and Caitlin (24) were our word warriors.

Week 11 Caitlin had an outstanding result with 32 words, she has been working hard on her high frequency word.

Everyone who was at school on the kast day of term has taken home thier rainbow roll n write books to work on their high frequency words and word cards to make sure we know all the sounds of the alphabet.

Have a great holiday everyone thanks you for an amazing start to the year. See you in Term 2. Thanks to all our parents and grandparents and big brothers and sisters for their support this term.


  1. Well done Ermrick and Caitlin. You must be working hard. Dania

  2. Great news Emrick and Caitlin! Keep up the good learning.
    Mrs Robyns
