Saturday, 16 August 2014

Fun Songs

Music and songs are a great way for children to learn here are some songs we will be using in the coming weeks 
in room 2


I can count to 100

Mr R's double song

If you find any other songs please let us know .....

Winners of Rm 2's Maths Art competition

These students worked extremely hard to complete their maths art with stunning results - Well done!

 Nima (1st)

Ceejay (2nd)

Malakai (3rd)

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Maths art

We were also working hard at our maths art creations ....

Maths Week

It is Maths week at Rosebank school and there are some master code crackers and writers in Room 2


Sunday, 10 August 2014

Random acts of Kindness

“Wherever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference.”

—Kevin Heath
Ceo More4kids

For the rest of the term / year room 2 will be working hard to outdo each other in doing good, Random acts of kindess that will make our class room a wonderful place to be ! Why don't you join us and do something kind for someone else.
dancing hamsters  animation

Monday, 4 August 2014

Adaptations when leaving your home country

We are the same but different...

Caitlin's dad came from Ireland when he was twenty years old.

 He missed his family - Raymond 

In Ireland they speak a different language as well as English - Adwoa 

 Some foods are the same as here - Sally 

 At Christmas they have snow - Marina 

 at night time in New Zealand it is morning in Ireland - Caitlin 

 Raymond's mum came from Ethiopia but spent most of her life in Sudan ( Africa)

She came to New Zealand when she was 12 -  Ellahzade

 She couldn't speak any English at all when she came - Evander 

 They have the same things we do like shops, food and drinks - Cee jay 

 Not everyone has as much money as New Zealand - Giavanni 

 People wear special clothes but now young people change what they wear - Raymond

 Room 2 had a great time hearing all about living in other countries and how it is different than living in New Zealand.