Saturday, 16 August 2014

Winners of Rm 2's Maths Art competition

These students worked extremely hard to complete their maths art with stunning results - Well done!

 Nima (1st)

Ceejay (2nd)

Malakai (3rd)


  1. Wow well done children. I love the control you all had in trying to keep within the line. I wonder whether that was hard to do. Let me know.

  2. Well Done, Nima, CeeJay and Malakai you have done a great job

  3. Wow what a range of colours you have used. It looks like you put in lots of effort to keep the colours in their shapes. from Mrs Robyns

  4. Awesome work Nima, CeeJay and Malakai. I can see that you tried very hard to create your tangrams. From Miss Long
