Tuesday 24 June 2014

Holiday ideas

Just in case you are at a loose end in the holidays consider the following ;
- Visit the school website and follow the learning links ( lots of activities literacy, numeracy)
- work on the site words in your rainbow roll and write books,
- check out Room 2 and other classes blogs ( leave a comment to encourage someone)
- help mum write her shopping list ( and help with the shopping)
- check the western leader for news article that will interest our class.
- count ( everything that you can)
- go outside each day for some exercise and fresh air.
- keep a diary ( words or pictures) of what you do each day to share when we come back to school
- draw a picture each day
- got to Studyladder and complete the new holiday tasks

monkey business making sentences

Room 2 Studyladder

Work through theStudyladder health and safety tasks with Mum, Dad or an older brother or sister

Thursday 12 June 2014

Some unexpected visitors

We were so excited to find some visitors in our swan plant garden, a butterfly returning to lay her eggs and some caterpillars that had hatched out and have begun munching on the leaves. We will keep on watching to see what happens.

Support staff day

Room 2 is so blessed to have Sifa help us each day from 9-10 with our sight words, alphabet names and sounds. Thank you Sifa for all your hard work and your unending smile..